Airline Baggage Tag, Boarding Pass

Airlines need baggage tags that have durable printing to withstand extensive handling by anumber of people at different locations. Also the application demands superior adhesive & quality of material to facilitate smooth printing operations at the terminals. Die cutting can be done on one or both sides. Our tags ensure baggage reach their correct destination promptly. Utiiising non tearable thermal material, it also has a high level of thermal printability. Sequential Numbering & color printing on both sides is also possible.

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Thermal Tags

Airlines need baggage tags that have durable printing to withstand extensive handling by anumber of people at different locations. Also the application demands superior adhesive & quality of material to facilitate smooth printing operations at the terminals. Die cutting can be done on one or both sides. Our tags ensure baggage reach their correct destination promptly. Utiiising non tearable thermal material, it also has a high level of thermal printability. Sequential Numbering & color printing on both sides is also possible.

Technical Parameters
Thermal printable sidesOne/Both
Size2”x18” / 82x252mm
ThicknessGSM 170/200/250
Print colours1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
Print sidesOne/Both
Personalisation FieldsNumber
Die side(s)one/both
Barcode Code(variable)128/2of5/QR/Nil
Perforation qnty1/2/3/4
PackingCore 3”. Packing Roll/Fanfolded
Quantity<25,000 / <50,000 / <100,000 / <500,000 /<1000,000
  • Baggage management
  • Track & Trace
  • Property management

Thermal Passes

Airlines need to issue Boarding passes to each individual flying on aircraft. This is a headcount, correct passengers go to correct flight, all important information about the flight is availabelto all etc The boarding pass has to have good printing in term of airline logo ad advertisers advertisement if any. It also should be good for smooth printing at counter /terminals. Our passes ensure airport’s operations run accurately and smoothly and passengers have full clarity & guidance even atthe midst of a full airport. Our thermal passes have good quality thermal material, proper cut, easy tear perforation, sensor notch and back side advertisement. Sequential or Unique numbering is possible

Railways, Boats, Parks & Event Managers similarly utilise such Thermal passes for managing their operations & visitors.

Technical Parameters
Thermal printable sidesOne/Both
Size2”x18” / 82x252mm
ShapeStandard / Special
ThicknessGSM 170/200/250
Print colours1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
Print sidesOne/Both
Scratch PrintYes/No
Personalisation FieldsNumber
Barcode Code(variable)128/2of5/QR/Nil
Perforation qnty1/2/3/4
PackingCore 3”. Packing Roll/Fanfolded
Quantity<25,000 / <50,000 / <100,000 / <500,000 /<1000,000
  • Information & Floor management
  • Track & Trace of People & belongings
  • Other Airline services
  • Advertisement revenue generation & Promotions
  • Security
  • Games, Scratch & Win
  • Access